[Fixed] Unable to uninstall Internet Explorer: An error has occurred not all of the updates were successfully uninstalled

10:03 AM

My Case

OS: Windows 7 Pro 32bit
IE: IE10 installed. Wants IE9.

The Problem

By default, you guys should already know that we can downgrade current Internet Explorer version to previous version via Control Panel - Programs and Features - View installed updates - right click on "Internet Explore XX" - Uninstall (there, I told you how if you don't know my "by default" :p -- But it doesn't work if you already have the lowest version of IE for the OS)

The problem with this one is that right after you clicked on Uninstall, an error message popup stating that "An error has occurred not all of the updates were successfully uninstalled" without any error code, warning whatsoever. It is so frustrating!

The Solution What I Did to Solve the Problem

The be frank, I did a couple of "fixes" altogether and I'm not quite sure which solved the problem v_v

Before start, it's a good idea to download the installation files for IE (and alternative) incase anything goes wrong:
Download IE 9: http://www.microsoft.com/en-sg/download/internet-explorer-9-details.aspx
Download IE 9 (3rd party website): http://internet-explorer-9.en.softonic.com/
Download Firefox: http://www.getfirefox.com
Download Google Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html

1. Uninstall via command (cmd)

1) Run Command Prompt with Administrator rights
2) Carefully select and copy the following command:
FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-10*.mum /c "cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /quiet /norestart"
3) Right-click inside the Administrator: Command Prompt window, and then click Paste to paste the command that you just copied. Or, just type it in.
4) Press ENTER to uninstall and restart your computer when it finished.
5) Install standalone IE installer you downloaded. Fingers crossed and hope it works.

* You can change the number highlighted in red above to uninstall other version. Example, 11, 10, 9. You get the idea. I did all 3... don't think it's necessary -_-

2. Disable windows update

1) Run services.msc
2) Look for "Windows Update" and disable it
3) Go to C:\Windows
4) Rename the folder named SoftwareDistribution to SoftwareDistribution.old (not sure if it's necessary)
5) Go to Control Panel
6) Go to Program and Features
7) Go to View installed updates
8) Find "Internet Explorer 10" and uninstall it. (hope it works!)
9) Restart the computer and it will revert to previous version (IE9) !

3. Internet Explorer won't start, open then closes immediately (after downgrade)

Before I explain the solution let me describe the problem in detail. For some unknown reason, I have always had this problem on my main computer with Internet Explorer 9: whenever I want to run it, a blank window appears for 0.1 second then closes instantly, without any error message or anything. The solutions I describe are valid for Internet Explorer 7 (IE7), Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) and Internet Explorer 9 (IE9). I am running Windows 7 but the solutions also work for Windows Vista and Windows XP.
taken from: http://cnedelcu.blogspot.sg/2012/05/top-3-fixes-for-internet-explorer-wont.html

Head to http://iefaq.info/index.php?action=artikel&cat=42&id=133&artlang=en and download the script.
Please take note on the 32bit/64bit.

Once you have that downloaded, extract the ZIP archive, you will find a .cmd file (command-line batch file). It contains instructions that will repair your system and allow Internet Explorer to finally work again. DISREGARD the filename: it's called "IE8" but it works with IE7, IE8 and IE9. To run it, right-click the file and click "Run as administrator".
taken from: http://cnedelcu.blogspot.sg/2012/05/top-3-fixes-for-internet-explorer-wont.html

Please let me know which are the steps you took to solve the problem!

Give me a Like, a +1 or just drop a comment if this fix yours! :D


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Thanks Jo - this also worked for IE11 that had same issue - Michae


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[Fixed] Unable To Uninstall Internet Explorer: An Error Has Occurred Not All Of The Updates Were Successfully Uninstalled - Microsoft Office 2013 Issues >>>>> Download Full

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